この記事は、岡山県北タウン情報誌「JAKEN」に掲載されました。アダム先生の日本で食べた初めての焼肉の体験について 是非原文で読んでみて下さい。 この記事の翻訳は「JAKEN」7月号の「ふしぎの國ジパング」のコーナーで紹介されました。
As summer approaches, I cannot help but be reminded of the many barbecues I went to last year. In America, a barbecue is a common way for people to eat together when the weather becomes warm. I enjoy them because you usually eat a lot of food outside in the nice weather and talk with friends and/or family.
At a barbecue in America, the food mostly consists of hamburgers, hot dogs, steak, chicken, salad, and/or chips and salsa. Watermelon is also a favorite among barbecue goers. Guests are certainly allowed to bring food and drinks.
However, a big difference between Japanese barbecues (yakiniku) and American barbecues is that in America, the person who is hosting the barbecue (generally a male figure) is usually the one to cook the food. He takes everyone’s orders, grills the food, and places it on the table for everyone to eat.
When I first came to Japan in 2004 and had yakiniku for the first time with my host family, I was shocked. The raw meat and vegetables were set on a plate and everyone cooked for themselves. This excited me because it was the first time I had the experience of cooking and eating barbecue food at the same time. This is a great way for me to grill because I love cooking and eating.
One embarrassing thing happened to me the first time I had yakiniku in Japan. I was completely absorbed in cooking, eating, drinking and talking with my host family that I did not realize how much I was eating. The next thing I knew, the plate was empty and I ate most of it!
From this experience, I learned that you should always pay attention to how much you are eating when having yakiniku with others. While I definitely miss the American-style barbecue, it is great to be able to gather around a yakiniku table with my close friends. Our conversations and friendships grow deep while we enjoy the delicious, freshly grilled meat. The beer we drink could not taste any better. Now, I am a huge fan of yakiniku.
Here in Tsuyama, my friends and I get together with many people, including foreigners, once a month to have yakiniku outside and have a great time together. Since you are expected to bring your own food to this gathering, I do not have to worry about eating all of the food!
Yakiniku is deeply rooted in Japanese culture and is not loved only by the Japanese, but by everyone.