
2001年 4月 01日
作者: Mike Walker

土曜日 マイクが勝山教室で行っているクラスの一つで、現在は 勝山高校の生徒さん4名のグループを紹介させてもらいます。 皆さん 英語が大好きで、高 校のプログラムの一環として、休みを利用して短期で語学研修された生徒さんや、これから研修予定の生徒さんもおられます。 中のお一人は 今春 ご卒業と なるので、残念ながら もうすぐこのクラスともお別れになりますが、これからも 各人のペースで英語と関わっていって下さい。 必ずや その努力は結果と なって現れるでしょう。

Mike 先生と勝山高校生クラス

Mike 先生と勝山高校生クラス

I have had a fun time teaching the high school students of Katsuyama. They are a very good group to work with because everyone gives great effort to learn English and nobody in the class is afraid of making mistakes. Most of them have busy schedules and different school activities that they must attend every week but they still manage to be in class fully energized and eager to learn on Saturday. They all bring different but exciting personalities to the class, which also makes teaching them a pleasure.

I want to wish good luck to Miss M and Miss K who will soon be going to Chicago for a month to study English and experience the American Culture. I know they will give it their best while in America.

I would also like to say farewell and good luck to Miss S, who will soon be leaving the class and heading to college. I hope that she will continue studying English and work hard to achieve her future goals.

I am looking forward to teaching this class in the future and doing my best to help everybody learn the English Language.


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