講師紹介 – 崎山佳子先生

2005年 2月 28日
作者: 代表 高山和子

yoshiko1昨年末より、クラスをいくつか担当してもらっている 崎山佳子先生をご紹介します。 崎山先生は大阪出身で、現在ご家族と共に津山に在住です。 関西学院大学で英文学を学び、数年前には英語検定の1級を取得し、また私(高山)の属しているトーストマスターズクラブ(スピーチを通じてコミュニケーションの技術を学ぶ世界規模のクラブ)でもメンバーとして活躍されるなど、大変 熱心な先生です。 生徒さんのペースで 親切で丁寧な指導を行って下さいます。

ここに崎山先生に 英語学習の秘訣や英語に対する思いを語ってもらいました。

1) Could you give us some tips for studying English?

First of all, I recommend you set a goal; for example, passing a test, making friends with foreigners, traveling abroad alone or whatever. And choose an appropriate method carefully to achieve your goal. These days, there are a lot of good schools as well as good English learning programs on the radio, TV and the Internet. Once you’ve started, you should stick to it. Before long, you’ll see progress in your English. You’ll feel good and this experience will encourage you to study more. Persistence and determination are the key to success.

2) You passed the 1st level Eiken a few years ago. Some of our students are studying for Eiken, so can you tell us how you prepared for it?

I bought some workbooks and textbooks on Eiken and just worked on them one by one. At first, I was at a loss how to deal with the problems but gradually I got used to them. As I’m not good at rote memorization, I tried to work on as many problems as I could. It was indeed a long process of trial and error. You know, I took the written test 4 times until I passed the first stage and sat for the interview test 4 more times until I finally got the certificate.

3) Obviously, you have been dealing with English for many years now. How have your English skills benefitted you?

By reading something written in English and talking with foreign people, I’ve learned that there are many different viewpoints in the world. I mean… I realized that I don’t have to be controlled by conventional assumptions and I have come to be able to think about things more freely.

4) One last question. What is your next goal in terms of studying English?

I passed the test for volunteer interpreter last year. I would like to learn the skills to work as an interpreter.

代表 高山和子 について

岡山県 津山市出身。英語講師。米国ドレーク大学大学院修士課程修了。帰国後、英語教育に携わり、'90年津山市にライト外語スクールを開校、本物の実力を身につけさせる指導に定評がある。国際ロータリー財団奨学生、英検1級、TOEIC 990点、国連特A級。 フル・プロファイル