当校に勤めてもらっている、エリック先生・久美子さんご夫妻に 5月11日早朝 津山市の光井産婦人科にて、愛らしい 元気な女の子の赤ちゃんが生まれ、Emily Yamoto Knear (エミリー)と命名されました。 おめでとうございます! 無事 ご家族そろってのお宮参りも済み、日々成長していく姿を お二人、そして久美子さんのご両親共に、愛情深く 暖かく見守ってあげていることでしょう。 エリック先生は 8月いっぱいで当校を去りますが、これからも エミリーちゃんの元気な様子を 知らせてもらいたいと思っています。 久美子さん、エリックさん、子育ては色々と大変だと思いますが、子供を立派に育て上げるのは 親にとって 最大の価値ある仕事であると 私は考えています。 一人では不可能なことも 二人で力を合わせれば、成し遂げれます。 どんなことにもめげず、二人で力を合わせ、親業を楽しみ いつも笑いに満ちた家庭を築きあげてください。 (高山)
Hello Everyone!
I’d like to introduce you all to Emily Yamato Knear – the newest member of the Knear family!
Emily was born on May 11, 2007 at Mitsui Hospital in Tsuyama at about 3:00 a.m. It was an extraordinary experience to witness the birth of my first daughter… something I will never forget.
My wife Kumiko and I have had to make a lot of adjustments, but so far, everything has gone much easier than expected. Emily is a very quiet baby (knock-on-wood) who seems to be very alert and inquisitive.
Because Emily has a Japanese mother and an American father, she will be able to travel freely between both countries until she is 21 years old.
This will allow both her Japanese and American families to share their cultures and traditions with her first hand. This will also ease my and Kumiko’s decision to raise her to be bilingual.
Kumiko and I are thankful for all the support we have been given these past few months. The kindness we have been shown from the people of Tsuyama will not be forgotten.
We are looking forward to starting our new life together in America and are planning to return to Japan as soon and as often as possible. -Erik
Congratulations Erik & Kumiko & Welcome Emily!!