Well, spring is just around the bend, and I’m sure all of you are looking forward to that! Spring for myself, has always been coupled with numerous activities and events, which seems to brighten my mood, as I’m sure it does for most.
Beginning in March as a high school and college student, Spring Break, always meant an annual migration to the beach with friends for a week of relaxation and good times. But most importantly it was a well deserved break from the rigors of school after mid-term exams.
Spring was also the time for March Madness in America, which some of you may or may not know as the NCAA College Basketball Tournament. For many it’s an exciting time to join with friends to root for their favorite teams (if that team was lucky enough to make it to the tournament to begin with). Many a high school and college student will attempt to escape any and all responsibilities on opening day with the hopes of gluing themselves in front of a TV set.
Of course Easter, which takes place on the first Sunday in April, is naturally the biggest springtime holiday. As a child, Easter always meant an 8 hour car ride to my grandparents house, Easter Sunday morning at church, Easter egg hunts in the afternoon, and the competition between my brother, myself, and our cousins to see who could gather the most eggs. Of course I always won!
But one of my favorite transitions that takes place with this time of the year is the crisp, clean smell of new life in the air which comes from the blossoming of flowers and the eventual appearance of greenery. Coupled with the well anticipated switch to Day Light Savings Time, makes for many a long enjoyable evening outside, hopefully enjoying a nice barbecue with the folks.
So even though springtime hasn’t actually arrived, for everyone who has developed a slight case of cabin fever, it’s sure nice to think about isn’t it?