生徒さんの声 – 加茂公民館クラス、TN先生 – English and Me

2006年 11月 27日
作者: 生徒さんの自己紹介

加茂公民館クラスは、開講当初からするともうすでに15年近く続いている、当校では長く指導に 当たっている派遣クラスの一つです。 木曜日の7:30pmから90分、ニック先生の担当で授業をさせてもらっていて、現在 9名の生徒さんがいらっしゃいます。 これまで、時々 メンバーは変わりましたが、今回ご紹介させて頂く、TN先生のような熱心なメンバーの方が、このクラスを活気付けてくださっています。 先生は、長年英語の指導に当たられ、退職後も英語から離れることなく、頑張っておられます。 ここに その英語に対する思いを寄せてもらいました。

Over the past thirteen years I have always looked forward to the class up in Kamo. Even more so since Mr. T. joined us several years ago. A regular attendee, he uses his English abilities to the full and his never-say-die attitude is a great role model for every student who shares the class with him. His extensive knowledge of English is a great help for me as a teacher too, helping other students to understand some of the more challenging grammatical structures introduced in class, and his abundant wit and humor is a welcome relief throughout every class. –Nick

More than ten years have passed since I stopped writing English compositions, letters and so on, but my dear instructor, Mr. Nichols requested me to contribute some article to “The Wright News”

I am a member of the Kamo English Conversation Class and enjoy attending it, because Mr. Nichols is by nature a man of good faith, politeness and humor. Still more, my fellow class members are all very friendly and harmonious.

But, to my regret, I haven’t had any chance to come in contact with native speakers of English since in my childhood, so I have to say “Pardon?”  whenever he asks me something. Moreover, I’m already far over the age of seventy and I feel my brain is declining year by year, therefore it is necessary for me to communicate in English to prevent my brain’s decline.

During class, I’m always envious of my fellow class members, who began to attend the class from the early years and easily understand what Mr. Nichols says. I sometimes ask the classmate sitting beside me, “What did Nick say?” , and at such a moment I feel keenly how important it is to hear native English as often as possible.

Nowadays we are blessed with so many kinds of media for learning languages, above all, TV programs for English conversation are very attractive, besides being instructive, so I think I had better watch even one of them regularly and decrease only watching samurai pictures with plenty of sword fights.

At present I haven’t put my ideas into practice but have to bear them in mind and say to myself “It is never too old to learn anything, even though I make less progress.”

Oh, I wish I could appreciate impressive literary romantic English films and what we call Western ones, etc., without reading subtitles!

Will my dream come true on earth, I wonder?


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