昨年10月、11月に、各地で中学生英語スピーチコンテストが開催され、暗唱の部と創作の部で多くの生徒さんが日頃の練習の成果を競い合いました。 自分の好きなことをスピーチにして発表する創作の部では、個人的な経験を通じて自分が学んだ内容から社会的な問題まで、発表者の意識の高さに驚きました。当校からも何人か出場しましたので、ここに参加者の紹介をさせていただきます。
皆さん 練習を始めたばかりは、まだ内容を自分のものに出来ていなっかたのに 練習の回を重ねるごとに言葉に表現力が加わり、自然にご自分の言葉として発表できるまでになりました。大勢の聴衆の前で発表するというのは、とても勇気のいることですが、それを皆さんは怖気づくことも無く立派にこなされ、素晴らしかったと思います。 これは皆さんの自信につながる貴重な経験となったことでしょう。
今年度も小学生、中学生対象のコンテストが開催されますので、参加ご希望の方は 高山までお知らせ下さい。
平成18年10月7日(土) 第6回エメラルド杯英語暗唱大会

YM(中2) & NY(中2)
NY(中2) ”I have a dream.” (国際交流賞獲得)
YM(中2) ”Human Rights for All” (エメラルド杯獲得)
平成18年11月5日(日) 第47回ライシャワートロフィー

YM (中2)

YY (中2)
YM(中2) ”What my club has taught me” (創作の部―4位獲得)
YY(中2) ”Human Rights for All” ( 暗唱の部 )
It is hard to start something new, but it’s even harder to continue it. Whatever we do, it takes lots of time to learn to do things well. But if we keep trying, we will get better, and we will get great satisfaction and confidence from our experience. I have learned this through my involvement with my junior high school brass band club.
I started playing the French horn after I entered junior high school, and now it’s a big part of my life. The French horn is a spiral shaped instrument and basically produces accompanying music, supporting the other major instruments. The horn is considered to be a very difficult instrument to play, but I was simply enchanted by its soft, gentle sound when I first heard it. I wanted to produce that beautiful sound myself. That’s why I took it up, but once I started practicing, I found it a lot harder than I expected. If it were stretched out, the horn would reach 3 to 4 meters in length, so you can imagine how hard it is just to make a sound come out! I blew into it with my full breath, but nothing came out. It took me almost 3 months just to learn to produce even a soft sound. But once I mastered the basics, the whole experience started getting more interesting.
I was chosen to be in a brass band competition last year. I was thrilled to be a part of creating beautiful music in this important competition, something few first year students get to experience. But I was disappointed I couldn’t play as well as I hoped, I almost felt like a beginner. So I started practicing very hard every day until my lips got sore, because I wanted to play well like my seniors. My hard efforts paid off this year when I was given the chance to play a solo! Though I was very nervous, I did my best, remembering all that hard practice.
When I couldn’t see any improvement in my performance, I thought of giving it all up many times. But I am glad I didn’t. Through my experience with the club, I learned how much music means to me, and more importantly, I have gained confidence that if I keep trying, I will get better no matter what I do. With this in mind, I’d like to make the best of every opportunity in my school life.