中学生英語スピーチコンテストに このほど当校から下記の生徒さんが参加され、日頃の練習の成果を競い合いました。 皆さん、暗唱の部、創作の部共にスピーチをご自分の言葉として身振りを加え豊かな表現力で発表され、見事練習の成果が表れていたと思います。 スピーチに毎年挑戦されている生徒さんは 会を重ねるごとに自信も湧き表現力がレベルアップしてきているのを確信しました。 今回賞には手が届かなかった人も また次回に向けて頑張ってください。 本当に練習開始から演台に立つまで見させていただきましたが、参加者皆さん一回り成長されたなと感じさせられました。
第5回エメラルド杯英語暗唱大会 (平成17年10月8日開催)
一位・エメラルド杯獲得 SYさん (津山東中3年) 課題作: “Fly Away Home”
一位・エメラルド杯獲得 NYさん (中道中1年) & YMさん (中道中1年) 課題作: “Alice and Humpty”

NYさん (中道中1年) & YMさん (中道中1年) 課題作: “Alice and Humpty”

SYさん (津山東中3年) 課題作: “Fly Away Home”

SYさん (津山東中3年)

NYさん (中道中1年)

YMさん (中道中1年)
第46回ライシャワートロフィースピーチコンテスト (平成17年11月6日開催)
一位・ライシャワー杯獲得 SYさん (津山東中3年) 創作: “Challenge Yourself!”
YYさん (中道中1年) 創作: “Every Piece Counts”


SYさん (津山東中3年) , 代表 高山和子
第19回岡山城東・総社南国際コース杯スピーチコンテスト (平成17年11月19日開催)
二位・岡山城東高校学校長賞得 SYさん (津山東中3年) 創作: “Challenge Yourself!”
ライシャワートロフィーに参加された YSさん (一位・ライシャワー杯獲得) と YYさんのスピーチをご紹介します。
What do you do when you face difficult challenges? Do you just find an easy way out or face them with courage? Some people may want to avoid unnecessary challenges if they can. But I believe challenges are there to make us strong and help us develop our potential. I have challenged many things so far. And by getting over difficulties involved in each challenge, I have not only gained many valuable experiences but also developed self-confidence.
My challenges have involved English, ballet, piano, musical theater, tea ceremony, flower arrangement and Japanese dance. Above all, experience with English has given a strong impact on my life and still offers me exciting challenges. I was only 2 years old when my mother first took me to language school. My mother thought English was the thing for me when she saw me having a great time watching children’s English programs on TV. Unfortunately I gave my mother a hard time, crying in each lesson until I finally learned to actively participate.
I started challenging the English Proficiency Test after entering elementary school. I often felt so discouraged when I failed the test that I wanted to give it up. But the satisfaction I got when I passed the test has encouraged me to go on. I joined a two-week home-stay program in Australia alone when I was 10 years old. I became terribly homesick at first and I wanted to come home. But thanks to my host mother, I managed to make the best of my stay there. I entered my first English speech contest as a sixth grader. Despite my stage fright, I got great joy in conveying my feelings through speech. All these experiences have taught me that if I continue to challenge myself with courage and never give up, I can eventually see positive results.
I know there are many students out there who are facing difficulties with their friends, or school work. Sometimes you may feel you cannot take them any more. But if you face them with courage, taking one step at a time, I am sure you will find that you are a lot stronger than you think. Instead of setting a limit on what we can do, we should always focus on what we want to achieve. I am excited about facing new challenges my life offers me. Together let’s challenge ourselves.
Have you ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle? If so, you know that every piece is different、but equally important to make the whole picture. It is sort of like us. Every one of us is unique and precious. In our daily life, many conflicts are caused by our inability to accept other people’s differences. So I believe accepting other people for what they are is the first step to establishing good friendship.
I spent a few years’ of my elementary school days in America with my family. That experience has helped me see some differences between the two cultures. One which puzzles me the most is that students in Japan try to be the same as others just to be accepted by their friends. But in America, being different is positively looked upon and students are encouraged to pursue their own unique challenges. So, they are not afraid of expressing themselves. In fact, if they have the same opinions as others, they are thought to lack originality. But Japanese students are too worried about other people’s opinions even to speak up. I think we should be encouraged to express our opinions without being bullied by others.
Shortly after I entered junior high school, our class had to decide on class president. When those who wanted to volunteer were asked to raise their hands, I raised my hand without hesitation. But instead of getting some support from other classmates, one of them said, “You think you are cool, don’t you? You, show off!” I only thought that the job as class president would help me make the class a friendlier place for everyone and offer me an exciting challenge as well. I didn’t do it to show off. Some of my friends later told me that they didn’t bother to raise their hands because they were afraid of being bullied, plus it is embarrassing to be different from others. These remarks surprised me, because I couldn’t understand why we can’t feel free to express our opinions. Despite this, I will continue to take on new challenges even though my friends might think I am different.
We are all different pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. We can learn from each other’s differences. I believe we can avoid many conflicts and establish good friendship if we learn to accept other people.