英語で話し始めたのはいいけど、主語を別の単語で始めればよかった、最初から言い直そうという体験はありませんか。 自分のことを話す時、いつも文は “I” で始め、面白みのない文になっていませんか。 同じ内容の文章でも言い方を変えることで、発言に色を添えてみましょう。
「仕事が山積みだから、次回の会合には出席できそうにないわ。(私がよく使うセリフかも …)」の文でもいろいろな言い方ができます。
- I don’t think I can attend the next meeting, because I have too much work to do.
- I am just so bogged down with my work I have to skip the next meeting.
- The next meeting is no good for me. I am just snowed under with work.
- I’m afraid my work will keep me from making it to the next meeting.
- How are you? I hope you are doing well.
- How are things with you? I hope this e-mail finds you in good spirits.
- How is it going? (仲の良い友達に) I hope you are doing OK.
- How’s life treating you? Hope things are working out with you.
- Hello Bob. I hope this letter finds you well.
- I haven’t seen you for a long time. How have you been?
- How’s everything with you these days? I hope life’s treating you well.