お待たせしました。 ライト外語スクールのウェブサイトが更新されました。 長い間、工事中であったためご迷惑をおかけしました。 英語学習者のための役立つ記事が満載のサイトですので、是非 見てください。 皆さんからのコメント、お待ちしています。 もしエラーがあった場合は、お問合わせフォームよりお知らせください。
2013-09-09 Updated:
トップメニューのその次には「英会話便利帳」があります。ウェブサイト開始以来、このコーナーは「英語について」とか「イングリッシュ・ポプリ」とか「英語ファイル」など様々な名前でした(短命なものもあれこれ)。ここは基本的に、どこでも見てもらえれば、誰でも必ず英語について何かが得られる、またはただ楽しく読める、そんなページです。英語で言えば “English Conversation Handy Notebook” です。話題が雑多なことと情報の豊かさから、英語を学ぶ皆さんが時々訪れて浸ってみれば、毎回新しいことが学べる最高の目的地です。このページのトップからは次のようなコーナーにリンクしています。
「Wright Words」
以上がサイトの中心ですが、特徴的なのは全ページの右の方にある欄で、ここでコンテンツの検索をしたり、「お知らせ」で最新ニュースを見たり、生徒さんやあちこちからのビジターさんがアクセスしてくれた人気のページを見たり、お祝いやイベントの写真のアルバムのページに飛んだりできますし、皆さんの携帯の電話帳に登録できる QR コードもあります。いつも見てくださいね。
美和さんには特に www.wright.jp をご覧いただく皆さんにとってさらによい場所にしてくれたプロの技と見識を感謝します。
The upgrade to our website is finally finished, full of exciting articles about learning English. Sorry to have inconvenienced you with our long construction work. Please visit our refreshed site and feel free to drop us any comments. Let us know of any errors through the contact form.
Hope you like the changes!
2013-09-09 Updated:
Starting earnestly in February this year, Kazuko and I decided the school’s website was in need of a facelift and a major update to content. We decided to enlist the services of a former student of ours at AD-DESIGN, Miwa Hirota to come up with a design that reflects the advertising we have been using and offer her suggestions on how the organization of the site could be improved. Miwa was always a very artistic high school student when she was studying with us, often illustrating our whiteboards with imaginative cartoons of the staff and her fantasies, and we’ve been using her designs in advertising and New Year cards for years since she returned to Tsuyama from college. She got back to us with some really creative, exciting and challenging concepts we loved and we started working on getting the site back in shape after settling on the best of her ideas. Now months later, I’m happy to say, the site is live and ready for access. This is a guide to what you may find in the site and ease your navigation a bit.
Miwa’s great sense shows firstly on the homepage. We really love what she has given us and it presents so much about what we do. It’s easy to understand so no explanations here, just take a look.
The first stop after the homepage is the “Class and Fees” page where almost all our services are listed, along with their size and tuition information. We’d love any of our current students to forward their friends here to give them a thorough overview of what we do and how to contact us.
Next across the main menu at the top is our proudest page, “The Wright Students”. Over the more than twenty-year history of The Wright Language School, we have worked hard to help all our students achieve their dreams with English, and on this and all the linking pages, we celebrate their many successes. Wow, revisiting these pages and updating them with new information, even I was blown away by how wonderfully our students have done over the years. As photographer for the site seeing their (usually) smiling faces remembering their successes I can’t help sharing in their joy. The page is divided into Elementary School and younger, Junior and Senior High School and Adults sections. There is some overlap with articles as we often introduce large groups of successful students so one article may appear in two or all of the sections. But click through to any of the pages to see what a great bunch of students we now have, and have taught over the years. It’s fun to follow the progress of individual students, taking their first tentative steps with English as an elementary student, then appearing later passing a challenging level of the Eiken test and then later as a speech competition champion as they mature. Click through all “The Wright Students” pages and see how many students you can follow on their path to their English goals.
Our adult students have shared their successes with English enriching their daily lives, on foreign tours, on homestays and even speaking at international conferences. I wish I were so lucky!
Next across the top menu is “About Us”. Here you can learn a bit about our history, the current staff and our location with an interactive map and how to contact or visit us. Also linking here is “From Kazuko’s Desk” and the copious articles Kazuko has written over the years on her experience mastering English, tips on how to improve your own skills and often on current issues affecting our daily lives from the media and her extensive reading. There is so much to read there, I wish I could handle Japanese better. Thankfully for the English speakers among us, she writes many of her articles in English and while she often jokes about being a country bumpkin, it is easy to see just how transformative English can be in a person’s life. Makes me wish I had paid more attention in Japanese class. But it is never too late to try, as Kazuko often reminds us.
Next in the top menu is the “Eikaiwa Benrichou”. Over the years of the website, this section has been variously translated as “About English”, “English Potpourri” and “The English Files” (a short-lived one, that one). It is just basically a bunch of articles that anyone can jump into at any location and take away something about English, or just enjoy a read. Literally translated, “Eikaiwa-Benrichou” means “English Conversation Handy-Notebook” and the randomness of the topics and the information make it a great destination for any student of the language to dip into from time to time and learn something new on each visit. The top page in this section links to:
“Are-Kore Eikaiwa”
points on grammar, points on vocabulary, points on the history of English, points on making your point in English. Maybe it should have a different name, but “One Point English” was already taken. Kazuko often teaches me about my own language at work and when you read the topics she covers here, it isn’t hard to appreciate the depth of her knowledge of English.
“One Point English”
When you read the earliest of these articles, we really tried to focus on what the name suggests, one point about English, presented in a conversational manner, in context. It has grown to be more of a daily conversation presentation, with vocabulary and idioms used in realistic situations by the staff. Some fictional scenarios, mostly real topics we’ve discussed and some topical issues we’ve witnessed over the years. The goal is to give you a load of potential tools for your language that you can at least take away one point from.
“Wright Words”
Kazuko takes apart the building blocks of our language and helps you to build the arsenal behind what you want to say. Not just a dictionary definition of the words, but practical tips on how to form vocabulary and use it in practical ways. Beginners can find something here as well as advanced users. Kazuko draws on her years of using English to give you a guide to reinforce the body of what you want to say.
“Movie Reviews”
OK, we aren’t professional movie reviewers and you won’t find terribly in-depth dissections of the intricacies of what makes a movie great, or bad for that matter. But we do love movies, and know the pleasure of losing ourselves in the stories and the ups and downs of the characters. Plus, movies are a great source of motivation for language students as well as an almost living text book for their studies. Here we introduce some of the English language blockbusters of their days, as well as taking a nostalgic look at some of the older movies that influenced us as we matured.
Speaking of nostalgia, here is a section that really struck that chord in me as I was updating the website. Through the years our staff have written of their experiences growing up and their various cultural events and festivals that students may find interesting to learn about. Also, a lot of what’s in this section is how the staff have come to learn more about their life in foreign climes, both here and elsewhere. I hope some of the staff we have employed through the years can come back from time to time and reflect on the experiences they shared with our students, knowing they will be here to read any time they want.
That’s the main body of the site, but of particular note is the column on the right on every page where you can search for any content, find all the latest news in the “Oshirase” box, find the most popular links accessed by our students and visitors from far afield, jump into our photo album of celebrations and events through the years, and a QR-code area to add us to your phone’s address book. Keep in touch!
And that last point is probably the biggest change to the site overall. We want to keep in touch and share our information, as well as hearing from you. There is a totally revamped contact form linked at the end of the top menu. Prospective students can narrow down their enquiry, and current students can quickly get in touch with us with any news, and especially to let us know of any absences. Check it out.
Also under almost every article on the site is a comments section and we welcome any feedback from visitors and current students. We have a strict comment policy we will enforce, so please read the policy statement linked on each page. We really want the parents and friends of our students to post words of encouragement for the students introduced on the site as we know public words of praise are a great motivator for any one tackling some of their greatest challenges with English.
Kazuko and I are a quickly getting used to another big change in how we communicate with everyone with an updated Facebook page. After a false start a little while ago, we are going to focus on this as well and encourage everyone to access the page and click the like button. This will help us keep in touch with you as well as help our business. We really want to get your likes there.
We really hope you like the changes to the site and make it a part of your life. Early feedback from our users tells us there have been some great improvements in accessibility and content, so we are on the right track. Come back from time to time for even more exciting changes just around the corner.
Thanks to Miwa especially for her professional work and insights into how to make www.wright.jp a better place for our visitors.